I discovered the funkiest thing whilst browsing the internet the other day!
In truth I was looking up something completely irrelevant to the subject, when I magically stumbled across this photo:

And I thought, that is soooo awesome! I wanna make one!
The art form is called Amigurumi, and it derives from Japan. The name is a mix of Japanese words, Ami, meaning crocheted or knitted, and nuigurumi, meaning stuffed doll. It seems the art of Amigurumi has been well practiced all over the world for many years, but here in Australia it seems to have yet to take off. Hopefully that will all change soon!
Anyway, I followed the link from the photo and it led to a blog by Ana Paula, who, funnily enough, posted the crochet pattern for this cute little cactus fellow for free.
Here it is - http://amigurumipatterns.blogspot.com/2007/11/thank-you-little-cactus.html
Well, by the next day, I had wrangled my way to the nearest craft store, bought some yarn and a hook and set to work. IT WAS SO EASY! Within an hour or two, and with hardly any previous crocheting knowledge, I had created my first Amigurumi cactus:

I did have to look up how to do some basic stitches on the internet first, and with some handy hints from my mum (who crocheted liked a madman back in the day!) the process was all in all, very simple. I added some pom-pom balls for flowers on the top there, and I decided to not put a face on this one either (my decision had nothing to do with the fact my craft store didn't have any eyes for sale... really...) .
I can’t wait to see what other patterns I can find. I think I have found my new obsession, and I love it!!!